The Importance of Protein

Getting Enough Sources Protein When it comes to nutrients, protein is an essential one to include in our diets. sources protein provides amino acids that our bodies require for many critical functions – from building and repairing muscles to fighting infections. Assessing where our protein comes from and opting for the most nutritious healthy sources protein should be a priority.

What exactly does protein do in the body and why do we need sources protein? Protein helps form antibodies that strengthen our immune system, carries oxygen in the blood, transports nutrients, builds bone, muscle, blood and skin tissue. Without healthy sources of protein in our diets, we can become more prone to illness and recovery takes longer. Protein also helps keep hunger at bay. Compared to fat and carbs, foods higher in protein keep us feeling satisfied for longer after eating them.

Some of the top sources of protein to add into our regular diets include:

Lean Meat and Poultry Meats like chicken, turkey, lean cuts of beef and pork are packed with healthy sources protein. Three ounces of lean beef packs around 25 grams of protein. Choosing grass-fed when possible provides added nutrients like Omega-3s. Go for leaner cuts to avoid unnecessary saturated fats and prepare meat in healthy ways – by baking, grilling or roasting instead of frying.

protien source : – Eggs

One large egg contains about 6 grams of healthy sources protein alongside nutrients like vitamin D, selenium, B-vitamins and more. Studies show the cholesterol in eggs doesn’t negatively impact blood cholesterol levels like previously believed. Enjoy eggs prepared whole, hard boiled, scrambled, poached or any other here

Fish and Seafood Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines provide both high quality protein and heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In fact salmon contains over 20 grams protein per 3 ounce cooked serving. sources protein like white fishes including tilapia and cod supply around 20 grams protein per small fillet. Shellfish like shrimp and mussels are protein powerhouses as well. Shooting for at least two servings of fish weekly checks off getting enough healthy sources protein.

Beans, Lentils and Legumes One of the most versatile and affordable healthy sources protein comes from dried beans, lentils and legumes. Stock up on chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans, and green lentils which supply between 7-15 grams per half cup cooked serving. Peas and roasted soy nuts or edamame contain healthy sources protein too. The fiber keeps digestion regular as an added benefit.

Nuts, Nut Butters and Seeds Nuts like almonds and peanuts have around 8 grams healthy sources protein per one ounce serving. Nut butters, tahini and sunflower seed butter offer 4-5 grams protein per two tablespoon serving. Chia, hemp and pumpkin seeds range from 5-9 grams protein per ounce. Adding these sources protein provides minerals like magnesium, zinc and plant-based fats as well. It all adds up fast for a nutrient boost that keeps you feeling satisfied between meals.


Lean Dairy Products Milk, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are wonderful additions when focusing on getting enough sources protein too. One cup of milk or yogurt contains 8-9 grams protein and cheese packs 7 grams per ounce typically. Opting for low-fat versions keeps dairy products lean. The calcium, vitamin D, probiotics and B-vitamins in these healthy sources protein enhance the benefits even more.

When it comes to meeting protein needs each day, variety and moderation is key. Getting at least 30 grams protein from sources protein at each meal supports tissue repair and gives lasting energy. Mix up the healthy sources protein regularly since dietary variety gives a broader spectrum of nutrients more